When my children were young I struggled with keeping the Resurrection as the central point during Easter. A full 40 day plan felt too overwhelming for me in that busy season of life, but I still wanted to have a meaningful time of reflection and celebration. I developed my own plan for the week prior to Easter Sunday that was doable for me. My little ones loved it!
If you are in that season of life, some of the ideas below might be helpful for you:
In the week prior to Easter Sunday, fast from entertainment technology as a family.
- Jesus fasted for 40 days in the wilderness
- Fasting is one way we can glorify God by preferring Him above His gifts
- Pray together as a family for our enemies (or people in our lives who are difficult to like), the needs of specific people, etc
- Consider the depth of our sin and the height of God’s love in Jesus…and be thankful together.
Complete “Lent in one week” together
Start the week (on Palm Sunday) with 6 lighted candles during a family devotional time (scroll down to find the list of scripture readings). As each day goes by light one less candle until after Good Friday there are none left…on Saturday there is nothing to do but wait. Imagine the disciples, hidden away after Jesus’ death, thinking all was lost.
Craft the story
Make a mountain to illustrate the story of what happened to Jesus:
Use 4 c flour, 1 1/2 c water (adjust to get the correct texture), 1 1/2 c salt, and 1 T oil. Mix and knead together. Shape into a mountain. Leave an opening on a side to represent the tomb, press the rock covering into the opening to shape it to the rock, then set the rock aside. Make a cross from twigs and stick it on top to make a hole, then set the cross aside. Bake 250 degrees for 4-5 hours. Paint when cooled.
On Good Friday: Jesus (we made a pipe cleaner guy) is placed on the cross and then laid in the tomb with the rock placed in front while we read that part of the story. Once Sunday comes, the cross is removed and a risen Jesus stands on top.
The candles are all lit and joyful music is playing when the family comes together in the morning. You can read the Resurrection story (Luke 24:1-12) aloud and all shout “The Lord has risen! The Lord has risen indeed!” together. My little ones love this part. 🙂
Worship together at church and then continue the celebration with the Easter egg hunt and lunch. It is a day to be joyful and celebrate!
Sunday: Jesus the King (Read Zechariah 9:9 and Matthew 21:1-11)
Monday: Jesus in the Temple (Read Matthew 21: 12-17)
Tuesday: A sacrifice for Jesus the King (Matthew 26:1-16)
Wednesday: The Last Supper (Luke 22:14-23)
Thursday: The Arrest (John 18:1-12)
Friday: The Crucifixion (Matthew 27:27-50)
Saturday: The Death and Burial (Matthew 27:50-66)
Easter Sunday: The Resurrection (Luke 24:1-12)
A friend of mine shared her perspective: “We always dye eggs every year but we tell our kids very specific things! Eggs represent new life and who we are in Jesus after the cross. We also say that when Jesus died on the cross, He was able to give us all specific gifts. And all those gifts look different… just like the different colors of our eggs. We are all supposed to look different from one another! Then, on Easter, we do an Easter egg hunt to show that sometimes it’s hard to find the good in people. Sometimes it’s hard to see their gifts. But guess what God does for us daily? He seeks out the good in us and the gold. He will search and search for us if we are lost. He wants to find us! And He has called us to do the same in people! This, to us, is a great way to illustrate the Kingdom to our kids and to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus during this amazing holiday.”
Our family at Easter in 2021… this year we will have grown by three children!
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