Want your kids to become more proficient in the basic operations of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing? Print out these simple math games and grab some dice!

0-36 Challenge Board

This game can get really exciting when you’re racing against another player!
Roll three dice and add, subtract, multiply, or divide the numbers, then check off the answer. If that number is already covered, try again! The only rule is that you must use all three numbers rolled to make your equations.
Connect Four Addition or Subtraction

My younger kids enjoy this game, which has two game board options: addition or subtraction.
Roll two dice and add (or subtract) the numbers. Cross off the answer on your board. When you have crossed off four in a row you win!

This board is helpful for kids who are first learning how to add.
Choose a number from 10 – 14. Circle pairs of numbers that total the number you chose. The pairs must be in squares that are joined by a side. Keep circling until there are no more pairs to cover!
Play with a friend by taking turns circling the pairs until you get them all!
Watch the video below to see these game boards in action:

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